Investment Funds

Photo by Towfiqu barbhuiya from Unsplash

Investment funds are financial vehicles that pool capital from multiple investors and use it to invest in various assets, such as stocks, bonds, and real estate. By investing in a fund, individual investors can gain access to a diversified portfolio managed by professional fund managers, thereby reducing the risk associated with investing in individual assets.

The Structure of Investment Funds

Investment funds are typically managed by an asset management company, which is responsible for selecting and managing the assets within the fund. When an investor buys shares in an investment fund, they become a part-owner of the fund’s underlying assets.

Types of Investment Funds

Investment funds can be broadly categorized into public funds and specialized funds. Public funds are open to retail investors, while specialized funds cater to institutional investors. Public funds can further be divided into open-ended and closed-ended funds.

  1. Open-ended funds: These funds allow investors to redeem their shares at least once a year. The fund continuously issues and redeems shares based on investor demand.

  2. Closed-ended funds: Unlike open-ended funds, these funds have a fixed number of shares and do not allow investors to redeem their shares directly with the fund. Investors can only buy or sell shares of closed-ended funds on the secondary market. These funds are often used for long-term investment projects, such as real estate development.

Fund Management

Investment funds can be either actively or passively managed:

  1. Active management: In an actively managed fund, a fund manager continuously monitors the portfolio and makes buy/sell decisions based on their expectations of market movements. Actively managed funds typically have higher management fees, which can erode the overall returns for investors.

  2. Passive management: Passively managed funds, such as exchange-traded funds (ETFs), track a predetermined index or market benchmark. These funds have lower management fees and offer more cost-effective exposure to market movements.

Investment Strategies

Investment funds can adopt various strategies based on their investment objectives, risk tolerance, and target market:

  1. Conservative strategy: Conservative funds primarily focus on capital preservation, investing primarily in low-risk assets such as high-quality government and corporate bonds, and real estate. A small allocation to blue-chip stocks can be included to enhance returns.

  2. Risk-neutral strategy: These funds balance growth and stability, investing in a mix of bonds with varying credit quality and a higher proportion of stocks, including growth-oriented equities. Real estate investments may also be included for added stability.

  3. Aggressive strategy: Aggressive funds aim for high returns, predominantly investing in equities, including high-growth and speculative stocks. These funds may also allocate a small portion to high-yield bonds with lower credit ratings, while largely avoiding real estate and other low-risk investments.

Open-Ended Real Estate Funds

Open-ended real estate funds invest in income-generating properties, such as residential and commercial buildings, and land. These funds are considered long-term investments, offering investors stable, positive returns derived from rental income and property appreciation. Since 2013, new regulations have been implemented to ensure the liquidity of open-ended real estate funds, including minimum holding periods and limited redemption rights for investors.

Risks of Investment Funds

Investment funds, like any investment vehicle, carry certain risks:

  1. Management risk: Investors are exposed to the risk that the fund manager makes poor investment decisions, negatively impacting the fund’s performance.

  2. Cost risk: High management fees can erode the fund’s returns, particularly in the case of actively managed funds.

  3. Concentration risk: A fund may have an excessive exposure to specific assets or sectors, increasing the risk of significant losses if those assets or sectors perform poorly.

  4. Specialized fund risks: Depending on the fund’s structure and investment focus, additional risks may arise. For example, investments in foreign currencies carry currency risk, while the use of derivatives can introduce additional complexity and risk to the fund’s performance.


Investment funds offer investors a convenient way to access diversified portfolios managed by professional fund managers. By understanding the different types of funds, management styles, investment strategies, and associated risks, investors can make more informed decisions when selecting an investment fund that aligns with their financial goals and risk tolerance. It is essential for investors to carefully review a fund’s prospectus and seek professional advice when necessary to ensure they are making the best investment decisions for their unique circumstances.